We recommend some self-employed installers and fitters. These independent contractors often are cheaper than our own installation service.
Highly Recommended Installers
- Philip Osorio Log Cabin Installation - 07538089609 - Install748@gmail.com - All UK - Bedford
- Richard Lowe - 07511 910428 - Rlowe1@sky.com - All UK - London
- Warren Young - 07988642160 - warrenibuild22@gmail.com - All UK
- John Heard - 07985497988 - john.heard@ymail.com - http://www.buildings4gardens.co.uk/ All UK - Manchester
- Stephen Pike - 07708429805 - pikeproperties@outlook.com - Highlands of Scotland
- James Down - 07388890664 - jdgroundwork@outlook.com - Based in Norfolk, Covers all of England.
Fancy kitting the cabin out properly? We also have details of an independent electrician who has been tried and tested on installing electrics into our cabins.
You can also find their details on the Compentent Persons Registar, so Huncho Electrics are able to provide certificates for the works carried out by them.
- Huncho Electrics - Harrison - 07921004009 - hunchoelectrics@gmail.com - Based in Surrey/London, but travels all over the UK.
Customers have used these fitters below but are not specifically recommended by us as we have had mixed reports on their work.
- Rob Nye 07979150858 - brscarpentry@hotmail.co.uk
- Jake Burns - jakeburns74@gmail.com 07702231936 / 07546410261
Tuin Install:
We do also offer our own installation service that might be of interest for you, please see the details of this below:
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